Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

It’s always a wise decision to find a place where you can commence business without worrying so much about tax. Now I tell you that this hassle will surely gone away after you have gone to these business friendly states that would help you start and grow your business! Wyoming Taxes: No personal or corporate […]

It turns out that 3D technology is being used for more than just an excuse to re-release old Star Wars movies on the big screen. Today, YouTube announced that its rolling out a new feature that automatically converts all 1080p-quality video uploads into 3D.  The functionality is only available for short-form videos. (Sorry, no full […]

I saw one reviewer call the I-Tech Virtual laser Bluetooth keyboard (“VKB”) the “geek accessory of the year.” That’s probably stretching it. It’s an interesting and novel device, and there’s certainly nothing else out there like it. It does work pretty much as claimed, but it’s quirky and is hardly what I’d call perfect in […]